Taking control of stress

Being injured can be one of the most stressful experiences in a person's lifetime. The lack of control over recovery and feelings of helplessness can be debilitating. Use these simple tips to control stress and keep your recovery on track.

TIP #1  Get support from family and friends. Have a friend of family member accompany you to appointments. Confide in others about our struggles and allow them to help when they offer. Feeling all alone can cause unnecessary mental anguish.

TIP #2 Don't Procrastinate. Go to all your appointments! staying on top of your treatments will keep your recovery moving forward. Understanding your health condition can lessen stress by leaving no room for guessing. Knowing is half the battle. 

TIP #3 Get Moving. If your doctor allows it, try a light work out routine. being sedentary while you are injured can cause weight gain and added stress Doing yoga and meditation, Taking a short walk every day or even swimming a few laps at your local pool. Most importantly check with your physician to make sure these activities are safe for you. 

TIP #4 Keep it clean. Keeping your home organized and clear of clutter is a great way to stay stress free. Make sure there's nothing at home you can trip over or step on, Get rid of extra bulky items that may be in your way. Good health starts at home.

TIP #5 Eat right. You many not be able to control your injury, but you can always improve your over all health. Many studies show that diets low in sodium and sugar can improve mood and lessen stress. try a yummy fruit smoothie or a fresh salad.